Community Polls: Effective Administration Techniques

Administer Polls to Community

How to Administer Polls 

1. Navigate to your community and click on "Feed". You can administer a poll to your community by clicking the green "New Poll" button. 
Community Feed Poll Creation

Begin by accessing the heart of your online community – the "Feed." The vibrant hub of discussions and updates awaits. Spot the green "New Poll" button, your gateway to fostering community through collective decision-making..

2. You will be prompted to enter your question and answer choices and designate whether the question will accept more than one answer choice.  

Clicking the "New Poll" button opens a world of possibilities. Pose your question, provide answer choices, and decide whether to accept multiple responses. Tailor each poll to your community's unique dynamics, fostering inclusivity and diverse perspectives.

Transform your online community into a thriving digital space where every voice matters. With intuitive polling features, you transcend mere discussions, turning interactions into actionable insights. Engage, understand, and empower – the trifecta that defines the benefits of seamlessly administered polls within your digital community. 

Creating Polling Question

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