When conducting Ecological Momentary Assessments, or Experience Sampling Research, it is crucial to consider efficiency when your surveys consist of many questions. Long surveys can be very exhausting at times, and by decreasing your participant's output, you could have a higher completion rate.
With ExpiWell, you can use the "Automatic Next Question" features, as your participants will save time and reduce their efforts in answering your surveys.
1 - Click the 3 DOTS > "Options" in the survey builder.
In the participant's mobile app, they do not need to click the "next" button every time they want to move to the next question. Once they select a response, it will automatically go to the next question.
The cumulative time spent on clicking the "next" button can save a considerable amount of time. This is very helpful if you have a survey with hundreds of questions.
Our question looping feature enables researchers to present the same set of questions repeatedly until the participant has finished reporting. One example of how this functionality can be used is food waste research, where participants need to record ...
13 Types of Questions There are several different types of questions that can be created in a survey. 1. Single Selection Question This enables participants to select one choice among multiple different choices. This is also often used for ...
Customize Participant Experience With Survey Setting Options Within the Survey Builder, there are many options to choose from to customize the participant experience. To open the settings within the Builder, select the dotted icon. Then, select the ...
Discover the benefits of our Basic Free Version on ExpiWell In ExpiWell, you can conduct your Ecological Momentary Assessment, or Experience Sampling Method for FREE. VIDEO TUTORIAL Get Started After signing up for a FREE Basic account on ExpiWell, ...
12 FAQ about the ExpiWell Platform These are some commonly asked questions by researchers seeking to do experience sampling or ecological momentary assessment on the ExpiWell platform. 1) I've created an account but can't log in as it says my account ...