Temporary Accounts: Easy Creation Guide

Creating Temporary Participant Accounts

How to Create Temporary Participant Accounts

With your ecological momentary assessment (EMA) and experience sampling method (ESM) projects, you may want to create temporary participant accounts.

This is useful in several scenarios.
logo of information
  1. Your research uses and owns mobile devices and you want to add temporary participant accounts to your devices
  2. You want to provide participants temporary account information so participants do not need to create their own account on Expiwell with their email
  3. Identifying your participants, as the temporary USERNAME will be displayed in the downloaded file.

System-Generation Temporary Accounts

Navigate to the Distribution tab of your project and select the "Temporary Account" tab.
Distribution Temp Account Tab

Within the temporary account tab, specify the desired number of temporary accounts for this project.
Temporary account page

Once you click "Create", you will see the list of temporary account usernames and passwords that can be used to login to do your project. 
Shows active and inactive temp account

CSV uploads of Temporary Accounts

Click on the 'Import' button.
Option to upload participant's login credentials

Follow the specified format for CSV file uploads, which offers the advantage of setting participants' start dates.
Sample CSV format of participants' accounts

After uploading the CSV file, you can distribute the usernames and passwords.
Uploaded list of created participants' accounts

In the updated 2024 version:
You can now edit/update the participant's START DATE and delete temporary accounts.
temporary participant account

Click on the 'Edit' button, and you will be able to set/edit the START DATE.
START DATE edit section

Your participants can use the login credentials, and the project will automatically added to their account. 
ExpiWell mobile app login page    ExpiWell mobile app available survey

Upon utilizing the provided temporary account credentials:
The project will automatically be added to the ExpiWell mobile app. The status of the account will be displayed as "Active."
Uploaded list of created participants' accounts showing active or inactive

Participants with a future 'start date' could also login in advance. It will say 'scheduled' on their ExpiWell mobile app.
ExpiWell mobile app login page   ExpiWell mobile app scheduled survey


What Happens When You Delete the TEMPORARY ACCOUNT:
When you delete an account, participants will be automatically logged out of their ExpiWell mobile app and will no longer have access to the project.

What Happens If You Don't Set a Start Date for TEMPORARY ACCOUNTS:
If you don't set a start date, participants' start date will default to the day they enter the access code.

What Happens If Participants Use TEMPORARY ACCOUNTS When the Project Isn't Active Yet:
Participants can still use TEMPORARY ACCOUNTS but will ONLY see available content inside the app once the project becomes active. After you have activated the project, participants will have to re-login to see the project/s.

Do Participants Need to Add the Access Code:
No, participants don't need to add an access code. Using the TEMPORARY ACCOUNTS username and password will automatically add the project to the mobile app.

Availability Based on Schedule Types:
Creating TEMPORARY ACCOUNTS with the ability to edit the START DATE is only available in the Rolling schedule type. The Calendar schedule type is designed for participants to start on specific dates.

Can Participants Use TEMPORARY ACCOUNTS Before Their Start Date:
Yes, participants can use TEMPORARY ACCOUNTS in advance. They will see the surveys as 'scheduled' until their start date arrives.

Can You Edit the Start Date After Participants Use the TEMPORARY ACCOUNTS:
No, you can only edit the start date of participants before using the TEMPORARY ACCOUNTS. Once TEMPORARY ACCOUNTS are used, the start date cannot be changed.

If you have any questions, please reach out to john@expiwell.com.

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