Event-Triggering Options: A Comprehensive Overview

Event-Triggering based on SURVEY SUBMISSION

How to Utilize the Event-Triggering Feature

When creating an Experiencing Sampling or Ecological Momentary Assessment project, you can personalize the surveys based on participant responses. This may help increase the response rates, as you will only ask relevant questions. This is possible using the EVENT-TRIGGERING feature, where you can trigger a survey based on a survey submission, participants editing the schedule, and after a participant exiting the survey.

This example will focus on triggering a survey based on SURVEY SUBMISSIONS.

First, let's create a survey on which we will base our trigger. In this example, we have an EVENING SURVEY, and a new survey will be administered depending on how they respond to this specific question(Question 2).

ExpiWell - Survey Builder Tab

You can create multiple surveys and only administer those relevant surveys depending on how they respond to the previous one.
ExpiWell project survey list

In this example, we have our evening survey (1), and we schedule it from 8 pm to 10 pm every day for two weeks(3). We have three standby surveys(2) that we would only administer based on how the participant responds in the Evening Survey. We can schedule all the triggers by clicking the Event-Triggering button(4).
ExpiWell - Scheduling Tab

After navigating to the Event-Triggering button, you can start setting up all the events by clicking the 'Create Event' button.
ExpiWell - Event Triggering Tab

There are three options on which you can base your trigger on. In this example, we will be utilizing the 'Survey Submission' option, and after putting your event title, you can click 'Create' to proceed.
ExpiWell - Event Triggering options

After selecting the trigger option, you will see this page where you can see the event title(1), the surveys where you will base the trigger(2), and the Plus button(3) button where you can add the CONDITIONS and the corresponding TASKS for this Event.
Event Triggering - Survey Submission

In this example CONDITION(1), the task will be triggered if a participant selects 'Reading' in question number 2. Otherwise, no additional surveys will be administered to them. You can click 'Done Editing(2)' after you finish setting up the condition and click the Plus button(3) to set up the TASK.
Event Triggering - Setting up conditions

There are three different tasks. You can adjust the schedule, schedule additional notifications, or force them to exit the survey. In this example, we will be utilizing the "Adjust Schedule', where you can add, edit, delete, pause, and resume a survey window.
Event Triggering - Setting up tasks

After selecting the "Adjust Schedule', you will be presented with this page. You can choose the survey that will be triggered and administered to them(1), select the Adjustment Type(2)(e.g., add, delete, etc.), choose the day(3), choose the window start time(4), choose the start time(5), and the end time(6). In this example, the 'Reading Interests Survey' will be administered to them immediately(at 0 minutes after the condition is met), and they only have 30 minutes to complete this.
Event Triggering - Task options

After setting up all the events that you need, you can start distributing your surveys, and initially, participants will only see the survey/s that you have scheduled.
ExpiWell Mobile App Dashboard

Participants can start answering the available survey/s, and the extra surveys will be triggered if the condition has been met.
ExpiWell Mobile App live survey

After the condition has been met, participants will be able to see the triggered survey.
ExpiWell Mobile App  - triggered survey

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