Mobile Charts: Visualize Data for Participants

Mobile Charts for Participant Survey Progress

Create Mobile Charts that Show Participant Progress over Time

When conducting your experience sampling method (ESM) and ecological momentary assessment (EMA) project, you may want to create mobile charts for participants to view at any time throughout the study period. The charts display data that participants have entered over time. In other words, it shows participants their own responses over time in a graph or chart in the ExpiWell mobile app. You can specify the axes and type of chart participants can see.

The mobile charts are especially useful in the following scenarios:
  1. Participants to track their progress over time
  2. Participants to learn about their own trajectory
  3. Ecological momentary interventions (EMIs) where self-knowledge is helpful

The following steps show how to create mobile charts that participants can view throughout their experience:

Step 1: Create your questions, and toggle 'Score' to those questions you would like to create a chart. The scoring will appear on the right side of the choices.
logo of documentNote: Only Multiple-choice question types with scoring can be used for the chart options.
Scored question

You can also REVERSE the scoring for your question.
Reverse scoring option in scored question

Step 2: Click on the three horizontal dots, and select “Feedback.”
Feedback Option

Step 3: Click on the "+ Chart" option. You can label the chart and choose the number of days and the range of values. Choose whether you want the chart to display the mean (i.e., average score) or the sum (i.e., total score). Add the scored question that can be seen on the left if you would like to create a chart for this question. Click 'done', and you are all set. The chart will appear on your participant's mobile app.
Setting up a Chart

You can choose to add more charts or exit the survey builder to continue with the rest of your project set up.

In the ExpiWell mobile app, you can check for the chart after answering the survey.

Sample Survey

Click the 3 DOTS on the right side of the survey, and click 'Show Charts'.
Survey option - Show Charts

The chart/s you set will appear, and participants/respondents can track their progress.
Sample Chart

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