Update Time Zone: Managing Your ExpiWell Software

Time Zone Update

How to Sync Notifications for Time Zone Update 

For participants traveling to another location with different time zones, they can update it to sync their notifications. If you have a survey to complete at 9 am, and you are on the East Coast(New York), and you traveled to the West Coast(California), your time zone will be -3 hours, resulting in your survey arriving at 6 am. Updating your time zone will fix the time, and you will receive the notification back to the original time (9 am).

Participants can simply go to their ExpiWell mobile app and slide from the left side of the screen to see the settings.
ExpiWell mobile app settings

Click 'Update Timezone,' and you will be synced to your original survey scheduled times.
ExpiWell mobile app - update timezone option

If you have any questions, please reach out to mark@expiwell.com

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