Download Media: Seamless Access in ExpiWell App

Media Download

How to Download Media Content

Researchers at ExpiWell can embed media content in their questions, they can also gather them from participants.

Researchers can use the multimedia question type to gather images, audio, and videos.Multimedia question creation

After participants respond to the surveys, you can find and download their responses by navigating to INSIGHTS>Media.
Media tab
1- Allows you to search for a specific participant.
2- Allows you to download all media files in the same types.
3- Allows you to download a specific media file.

If your Media use reaches 15GB, please contact

The ESM (Ecological Momentary Assessment) media content feature in ExpiWell is a revolutionary tool for researchers seeking to deepen their insights and broaden the scope of their studies. By embedding and gathering rich media content such as images, audio, and videos, researchers can capture a more vivid and comprehensive view of participants' experiences and responses. 

This multimedia approach enriches the data, offering layers of context that traditional text-based questions cannot provide. The ease of navigating to INSIGHTS>Media to download these responses simplifies the process, making it incredibly efficient to collate and analyze diverse forms of data. 

The ability to search for specific participants or download all media files of the same type streamlines the data management process, allowing researchers to focus on analysis and insights. This feature is particularly beneficial for studies requiring nuanced understanding, providing a more holistic view of participants' behaviors, attitudes, and environments. ESM media content in ExpiWell is not just a feature; it's a gateway to more prosperous, more meaningful research outcomes.

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