Why Randomizing Response Choices Can Improve Participant Answers
In experience sampling and ecological momentary assessments, randomizing response choices can help reduce response sets. Participants who receive response choices in the same order tend to respond consistently over time, often without much thought. By randomizing these choices, we change the survey's presentation, which can help alleviate this issue.
Response choices for Single Selection and Multiple Selection question types, including those within Groups or Question Groups, can be easily randomized with a single click, as indicated below.
When the randomization option is configured, the button appears green in color (as shown in the screenshot below).
The randomized response choices functionality is available within Question Groups at the individual question level, providing more flexibility in survey creation. In the example below, the multiple-selection question within the Question Group with this functionality configured will display a list of randomized response choices, with 'other' and 'none of the above' options appearing at the bottom on participants' mobile devices.
On the mobile end, participants will see that the response choices are randomized each time they take the same survey.
Example screenshots for a single selection question