ExpiWell: Static Schedule

Static Schedule for EMA and ESM

How Does Static Schedule Work for EMA and ESM?

The static schedule allows participants to take your ecological momentary assessment (EMA) and experience sampling method (ESM) surveys until an end date that you specify. You can have multiple surveys in your project that participants can take during this time. However, there are no notifications that will be sent to participants. Think of these as regular surveys administered on mobile with a specified end date.
Scheduling Tab


(Default) One-Time Submissions
  • The "Static Schedule" allows any participant who enters the access code to work on all the surveys within the project. 
  • The default is a one-time submission for each survey in the project. On completing all the surveys, the project is closed for the participant.
  • The project can be taken "anonymously." That is, participants do not need to sign in to the ExpiWell mobile app to start the project.

Static Scheduling - single submission

Multiple Submissions
Researchers can allow for multiple submissions for all the surveys within the project by checking the "Allow multiple submissions" option. The project is closed when the end date is reached.

Static Scheduling - Multiple Subm

This is used when researchers only need to have event-contingent ESM or EMA surveys (allows participants to fill in a survey whenever they encounter an event in the day).

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