Learn the Three Different Roles
At ExpiWell, we value teamwork, as it can help ensure that projects are completed to the highest standards and with the best possible results. Multiple users can log in to the same dashboard with different user roles, which helps them work together smoothly and achieve their goals efficiently and effectively.
There will be three different roles with distinct access levels:
1. Administrator: Can view project information, download data, edit and delete surveys and projects, and invite and remove other individuals from the account.
2. Manager: Can view project information, download data, and edit and delete surveys and projects.
3. Viewer: Can only view project information and download data.
The Administrator, the primary account, can assign two types of users - Viewers and Managers.
1. Log in to your ExpiWell account and navigate to your profile at the top-right corner.
2. Click your profile and select 'Teams'.
3. You will see the number of users you are allowed to add, and you can create additional users by clicking the 'Create User' button.
4. You will receive the following prompt after clicking 'Create User'.
1. You can enter the EMAIL of the user you would like to invite
2. Select the role - Viewer or Manager
3. Indicates the level of access this particular user will have
Click 'Confirm' to proceed.
5. You will see a list of users, their roles, the time they were created, and the ability to edit their roles and delete them as users.
6. The new user will receive an email from ExpiWell, and they can set their password by clicking Generate Password in the email body.
7. The new user can create and confirm their password.
Please note: Password must contain 8 characters: one uppercase, one lowercase, one number, and one special case character.
8. After generating a new password, new users can log in to their ExpiWell account and see a pop-up invitation to join as a team member. If the invitation was sent to an existing ExpiWell account holder, they will also see the invitation pop-up once they log in, as shown below.
9. When users log in to their accounts, they will see their personal dashboard with their projects. To switch to the team user dashboard, click 'My Projects' and select the team administrator's dashboard.
10. Here, they can access projects they have joined as managers or viewers.
11. If users are on the main projects dashboard and want to switch back to their personal accounts to view their projects, they can click on either of the dropdown lists highlighted by the red boxes.
12. If they are on any team project pages, they can switch back to their personal accounts from the top-right corner, as shown below.
The team structure is crucial in EMA, as it involves detailed data handling and varied levels of project involvement. By clearly defining research roles, ExpiWell enables teams to work cohesively, ensuring each member contributes optimally to the success of their ecological momentary assessment projects.