Administer Polls to Community
How to Administer Polls 1. Navigate to your community and click on "Feed". You can administer a poll to your community by clicking the green "New Poll" button. Begin by accessing the heart of your online community – the "Feed." The vibrant hub of ...
Associate Project with a Community
Steps to Associate Your Project 1. In order to associate a project with a community, you must first create a community. Please see our "Creating a Community" guide for more information on how to set up an Expiwell Community. 2. Follow the steps for ...
Add Contacts to a Community
2 Steps to Add Contacts to a Community 1. Click "People" and navigate to the "Add Person" button. You will be asked to enter an email and designate a role. 2. You can also add people by importing a CSV file containing emails. Building and expanding ...
Visualize Your Data with ExpiWell Dashboards ExpiWell’s data "Dashboards" allow you to visualize your data in real-time. You can see trends and patterns as they occur! 1. To create a new Dashboard, click on the “+”. 2. Next, you’ll need to create the ...
Explore the Overview Feature The "Overview" is where you can edit the name, description, and visibility of the community. You can edit whether users will be anonymous and if the community can be searchable in the ExpiWell ecosystem. The 'Overview' ...
Explore the People Tab The "People" tab allows you to see everyone who has joined your community. Additionally, you can assign user roles to collaborators! The 'People' tab in ExpiWell is a powerful feature for community builders, offering a ...
Explore the Resources Tab The "Resources" tab provides a centralized location to include static information or content you would like to provide your community. 1. Click "New Post" to add new content. The 'Resources' tab in ExpiWell serves as a ...
Two-Way Messenger
Improve Communication with Two-Way Messenger The two-way messenger allows you to communicate directly with anyone in your community, both participants and collaborators. 1. Click on "New" to start a new conversation. 2. Choose from the list of ...
How to Create a Community
4 Steps to Create a Community In today's digital age, building an online community is a powerful way to connect, engage, and grow together. With ExpiWell, creating your online community is not just about bringing people together; it's an opportunity ...
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Event-Triggering for EMA and ESM
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Mobile Charts for Participant Survey Progress
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Overview of ExpiWell for Experience Sampling and Ecological Momentary Assessments
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